Be Grateful

What exactly is your excuse?

You've got food to eat even if it's not what you desire, you've got cloths to put on to a point you even pick colours and style.

You walk and live amidst people and friends.
You ain't isolated.

Yet you complain about every single thing that isn't right.

You never have a reason to be grateful for the abundance that you posses but you grumble for the things that you don't have that might even harm you.

Some others pray tirelessly to have what you waste and ignore why you look at them like people with poverty in their DNA but yet you do the same to things you wish to have, you're practically the same with those you castigate.

Common!  Being grateful is a reason for you to get the things you want and desire.

Forget the things you never had and don't have for now,  be so grateful for the much, yes "I said much" because you wouldn't be seeing this if you never had much.

Be thankful and grateful, appreciate and treat all you've got now with care and watch all you need walk your way.

I wonder how you expect to get something when you don't even treat what you presently have with care.

Ones you don't longer need a thing then give it out to those that dearly need it than wasting it because at the end your wants are greater than theirs.

Touch lives and watch your needs been met.



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