In a world where like minds live together, where differences aren’t allowed.
Nothing like popularity, fame, losers, pain, fears and worries etc.
Where there is no color difference, all you see is just bleak (without color).
Where prĂ©cised words are forbidden, words like using love, instead you say                               “Do you take pride in my accomplishment” or “Do you enjoy me”. Words like terrified, instead you say “anxious”. Words like family instead you say “relative or related or relation”. Words like death “instead you say release to elsewhere”.
Where a male and a female are both equal, the difference is just their gender.
Where nobody is above the law laid down for everyone to follow.
Where emotions and feelings are just fleeting on the surface and not allowed to get in-depth.
Where people don’t get sick or have accident before they get released to elsewhere, they just sleep and they are just seen to have stopped breathing but no sense of them being dead comes up because those thinking have been eradicated.
The ability to see beyond will be a gift and it will be for just only one person so has not to eradicate all the memories of Life and Reality and before he/she gets released to elsewhere he/she would have trained another person who he/she feels can hold on to the memories and not let them out or share them with anyone.
Differences brings envy, anger, jealousy and hatred, when he who can see beyond shares the experience and makes reality known then the difference set in, emotions which are very deep, primal and linger also set in. Then freedom to choose what you want is available, you see people choosing the wrong thing and the person that sees beyond gets indignant.
Faith is only what can make you see beyond even when you are amidst those who can’t see more than the four walls of their surroundings because faith is “CALLING THOSE THINGS THAT BE NOT HAS THOUGH THEY ARE” as said by Keneth E. Hagin.
Why the person that sees beyond says or shares the experience he/she has gotten is because he/she can’t just hold on to the beauty, emotions and good things of life which God has created.
After the share of the experience memories become real and reality shows up……..
Reference: THE GIVER


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