The Power of Desire By Titi Adejimi
Desire is the natural longing to possess any seeming good;eager wish to obtain or enjoy,in the abnormal sense:"excessive or morbid longing,lust,appetite. Desire is the motivating force that runs the world ;as little as we care to admit it in many cases.Look around you and see the effects of Desire in every human act,good or bad.As a writer has said: "Every deed that we do,good or bad,is prompted by Desire. We are charitable because we Desire to relieve our inner distress at the sight of suffering;or from the Desire of sympathy;or from the Desire to be respected in this world,or to secure a comfortable place in the next.One man is kind because he desires to be kind because it gives him satisfaction to be kind;while another man is cruel from precisely the same kind of motive.One man does his duty because he desires to do it. Everything we do is prompted by Desire in some shape or form. Man can't be Desireless and act in any way.Desire is the motivating power behind all actions-:it is a natural law of life. Man acts not upon EVERY desire,but upon the STRONGEST desire,or the average of his strongest Desires.This average of desires is that which constitutes his nature or character. And here is where the mastery of the "I" comes in! Man need not to be a slave to his Desires if he will assert his mastery. He may control,regulate,govern,and guide his Desires in any directions that he pleases. He may even CREATE DESIRES by an action of his will, as we shall see later.