I was walking through a walkway in my school, the walkway, in the middle of a thick forest by the right and another by the leftsureng the only one on the walkway I looked around and all I could see was thick,big long and strong trees then I stopped and said in me, what a sense of unity they all stood upright like trinity and I kept on wondering, no one waters them, no one feeds them with manure and the rest so that they can grow,they experience heavy rainfall and very hot sunshine and yet they stand like they're gonna make it to the end, they survive any kind of weather and still stand strong and upright together, I hardly see a space in between the trees,they were so full of themselves like tomorrow is sure,they all were deeply rooted in their source because they knew they had no choice .one was bent and about falling but yet another was beside it ready to help. Then I stood again and looked @ myself and thought of my friends, checked out other and the whole human race, we...
Another writer with a difference : I'm just a lady full of life and hope, I'm living my life the best I can. The real me is shy but never afraid to speak her mind Sometimes i think nobody would understand me..but in the end it all seems different Sometimes I'm happy Sometimes I'm the smart lady Sometimes I'm overwhelmed Sometimes I'm angry Sometimes I'm Upset Sometimes I'm flustered Sometimes, i just wanna let the world see how positive life can be I like to explore new people cos it makes me know more about life I never judge a book by its cover No reason to worry about my past cos its all part of growing up No reason to worry about my future cos i know it's gonna be bright It is the here and now To bear the light in my soul so bright I got to keep it strong When I get burnt I need ice And this is my device It heals Its my window into a world that as i will it i make it In my fantasy, is the love I need Its healing powers a...
This is so simple and comprehensive from a Great writer: “I’m gonna get there”
“I’m gonna get there!” She said.
World tumbling, knees shaking, heart beating louder than a drum.
“I’m gonna get there.”
As human being, we try to control everything in our circumstances because we are under this illusion that we have control. Control, choice, two different words. You can choose to wear red over blue one day but you can’t control the course of that day.
Recognition; the ability to realize that you are not in control.
Freedom; the sensation, a feeling, an emotion that is felt when you let God take full control.
God will take you there! One of the hardest things for us as human beings to do is to fully put our trust in God. However, this is the God that created Heaven and Earth. A God that angels, of majestic strength and power, bow down to and worship. This is a God that moves mountains, c...