The Esseence of Life By Kola


Sitting on my bed and having been eaten up by
the guilt and regret of wasted years days,and
time I ask myself that question that woke me up
like a roaring lion .What Is The essence of life; it
is a mysterious, intangible field of intrigue that
captured the imagination and the hearts of many.
What is life? How can you describe the magic
that surrounds us daily?
The very essence of life fuels the heart of the
world and without it our reality would exist no
more. Yet every day, humanity seeks to destroy
nature and all its beauty little by little, thus
impacting upon the heart of this earth; resulting
in the decline of the very essence of which our
souls were born.
What really makes up a meaningful life?
Clearly,the essence of life is not construed in the
same way by everyone as it stems from lifelong,
personal experiences and lessons learned. In
fact,some people go through an entire
lifetime,missing the gist of it—lost in their daily
routine,disoriented in their demanding life and
on materialism.
I have philosophized the essence of life for as
long as I can remember—after a long day at play
as a child; over a glass of wine with friends and
strangers alike; during long runs; on countless
sleepless nights:questioning the true essence of
life more than ever.Yet, I have to admit, that it
has been a priceless,learning experience.
Here’s what I’ve come to learn about life, coupled
with words of wisdom
1Love and appreciate yourself. Spread the love
factor around you;Life is love.
2 Create and share memorable experiences worth
smiling about.
3 Be yourself.There is no room for
pretentiousness in life.
4 Live every moment like it's your last
5 Be positive. Smile at life and it will smile back
at you. Remember,negative thoughts are toxic.
6 “Life is spending more time with people who
matter the most.”~Christos Economides
7 “The essence of life is constant growth.
Everyday, I remind myself to keep moving,to be
open to change, to keep enquiring and try to
better myself.”~ Harry Mavromichalis
8 learn these words by heart;"The meaning of life-
it ends".
9.Vanitas vanitatum, et omnia vanitas ; Vanity of
vanities , saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities ;
all is vanity ( Ecclesiastes 1:2).
10. Lastly these are the words of my mentor Amb
Talented Olayinka CEO Talented Signature " The
fulfillment of several destinies depend on how fast
and well you maximize your potentials.Don't just
exist,live a life.A purpose is an assignment; until
purpose is discovered,life lacks a meaning nor a
The essense of life is perphaps finding joy in
doing the ordinary things with an extraordinary


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