Under the sun, under the moon
Slowly, vastly, all the things move
Different direction, different magnitude
Uncultured etiquette, similar attitude
Strangely linked and family ties
Opposing and supposing each other lies
With diversified colours, shapes and sizes
But we are all the same in this man eyes
In this world, on this earth
Living and enjoying but prone to death
The young and old living together
With tough competition, irrespective of gender
Different styles, Different notions
Obvious pride and false compassions
Hovering around the heart and mind
But their thoughts are not hidden this man
The rich, the poor, the privileged
Bind with an ironic pledge
To be faithful, loyal and honest
Grow by limited truth, deceit and all the rest
Dining apart under same cover
Some fall, rise, quit and recover
Many aspired, few reached the height
But we are all the same in this man eyes
The man; a woman, plenty children
Related by partial love, deceptive brethren
Dine and wine under the same roof
Apart they like but oneness they are good
Love and hate, peace and conflict they all grow
The root, stem and flowers all glow
Hidden compassion and truth kept in their mind
But their thoughts are not hidden to this man