It's not about the money, it's not about the number of phones neither about the cars,shoes, cloths and Gadgets.
It's a about yourself, the real you,your mindset,your sense of reasoning, your frame of reference, your level of interest, it's all about your determination, what ever your frame of reference can not accommodate then you can't get it. All you need to succeed is in you, like PEAK: It's strength and value is in it's content, it's named "PEAK" not because of it's container,it's useful but when empty it's useless, it's glory as the PEAK is in it and you can only feel it's worth when it's leaked. 
Your Maximizing power and achieving ability is in you,don't suppress the inner you, you are what you are when you know who you are. Make the best of who you are so that what you have can make you rest.
Believe in yourself and stick tightly to what you believe cos it's the source of what you will receive.
You only know what to become when you know who you are.
Discover yourself today and build the spirit of success in you each day cos I tell you, you gonna make it no matter the the storm, cos it's just for a while. If you can outlast tribulations and trials then your next step is on the moon.
Remember you are never a failure when you loose,keep trying you are only a failure when you quit.


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