Showing posts from July, 2015
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Through the chided walls of my Block I could hear the's another victim of knock, The laws of nature Worked so hard to his future He was ruled by the swirling winds of the great environment He's a kleptomaniac Without circumstance there is no victim One should be careful not to be a member of the team It seems life is as it should be You do something negative, You expect the consequences For the positive You receive the reward I call on thee Abba Father, Let not these circumstance Overwhelm me that my attitude be affected And my character be weakened Today I choose what is right I am actually my feeling maker; I make me mad I make me glad We all have the prove To shape our lives We have our choices If we make a move Taking responsibility for everything in life is a way of life That we coach,teach,and nurture with.
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Her eyes was red as if it was dyed with crimson, The look on the sky was extremely aggravating, Darkness has covered the entire light in the sky, She writhes in agony, As a woman cries out in her pangs, When she draws near the time of her delivery, The rumbling of the cloud, Draws people's attention - even they that are in the Sheol, Tears run down her cheeks, Like a droplet of water suspended in the air, As the agony increases, so it get intense, Until she was covered with a pool of water, The rumbling continues and get heavier, As if heaven is going to fall, Suddenly i heard a loud shout of thunder followed by a lightening, I immediately have a sensation that it is almost dizzying, Not quite long it got intense, It is a heavy rain - after all the rumbling and thundering, I then heard a shout, A bouncing baby boy has been born, What a moment of joy, After the drastic agony and pangs, My sorrow has turn to joy, And my tears to laughter - she said, It r...
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SAMENESS In a world where like minds live together, where differences aren’t allowed. Nothing like popularity, fame, losers, pain, fears and worries etc. Where there is no color difference, all you see is just bleak (without color). Where précised words are forbidden, words like using love, instead you say “Do you take pride in my accomplishment” or “Do you enjoy me”. Words like terrified, instead you say “anxious”. Words like family instead you say “relative or related or relation”. Words like death “instead you say release to elsewhere”. Where a male and a female are both equal, the difference is just their gender. Where nobody is above the law laid down for everyone to follow. Where emotio...
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One thing I dislike about people is the way they waste things. Wastage:it's an action or process of losing or destroying something by using it carelessly or extravagantly. If there is one thing that really upset me is seeing people wasting food,my mum taught me to finish whatever I put In the plate and till date I try my best to do so unless I feel that one more spoon could make me die or get sick.I ensure that the remaining food is not thrown but parceled and either consumed later or give to my dog. Seeing food waste makes me feel bad about people who don't have food to eat,cause I do believe it because they have more than enough that why they waste the ones they can't finish in their plate.please let stop wasting thing because it not only food we waste and also try as much as possible to: To always help d hungry ones around you. Help others that don't have the little capacity you can. Help the unhappy ones to be happy. Thank you so much and God bless you all...
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Taking good decision is like standing at a junction of accomplishment Decisions are usually kept to be meant Being decisive comprehend indecision And supersede an incident of wrong compositions A decision can be withdrawn If it was not made at all. A decision is consequential Either to gain or loose some essentials It takes just one choice to overcome a numerous alternatives Considering the level of its authentic connectives To decipher between bad and good decision We should plainly know its conditions. Good decision does not require good thinking But needs a lot of good mind upbringing Your first decision might be right or wrong It takes a perfect standard to be fully done Like when trying to clean a dirt A neat napkin is not necessarily needed.
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My babe The African Beauty She's a dark, good looking and beautiful baby Her dark complexion brings light to my path Her charming smile brings her love to my heart Her beautiful face, twinkled lips and dangling dimple Makes her lovely and simple Words can not qualify how good looking she is If i say she is Beautiful or pretty It will be an understatement If i call her my African Queen It is an humiliation If i call her a diadem of Beauty That's not who she is But i will call her A Beauty to Behold
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Life doesn't give you what you deserve but what you demand, successful people make sure that everything they do in the short term is consistent with where they want to end up in the long term. In life today the less privilege are recognized and regarded as nobody .Roselin who died during child birth,whose pregnancy was out of wedlock, she gave birth to a son who had no father the child was adopted by a wealthy family through the help of the doctor, the baby was now called Sami Adenije,Sami grew up loved and cared for by Mr nd Mrs Adenije, sami attended one of the best primary and secondary school.After his first waec examination three of his papers were outstanding he couldn't write jamb that year because he was hospitalized for months,his parents couldn't donate blood for him that was when he knew his true identity, his presumied parents spent money daily on blood for Sami,he wasn't hurt about his real identity, he only thought of his mums experience and pains a...
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Your Attitude in life, they say determines your altitude in life, Fate may take you to the top, Your struggle may give you all - even a wife, But i will tell you my brother that is neither the bus-stop nor the full-stop. Without Attitude up you go down you'll come, Bad Attitude is like a storm, That blows you away from the top, Without Attitude, your stay there(at the top) is like a morning cloud, That goes away with time, And like the early dew, That goes out within a twinkle of an eye. The amplitude of your aptitude will be similitude to your altitude if you have good Attitude... Your Attitude in life, they say determines your altitude in life, Fate may take you to the top, Your struggle may give you all - even a wife, But i will tell you my brother that is neither the bus-stop nor the full-stop. Without Attitude up you go down you'll come, Bad Attitude is like a storm, That blows you away from the top, Without good Attitude, your stay there (at the t...
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Dreams are not just the expected future or visions They are the things we work hard to become Joseph was a dreamer of good dreams Though he was betrayed and driven far from his dreams He never slacked but self-helped his visions. Dreams are not something we manage with joy But what we become and fully enjoy Making them happen the way we want it We should not have a finite limits but infinite possibilities Picturing them in our hands; working hard with our minds. Dreams do not happen in a week And it would not visualise if we are weak It was a small unpopular krummhorn Before becoming a trumpet with honour This could only be achieved by shunning laziness and self-doubt. Dreams do not become the reality If we live according to others dreams and ability We all have a different human notions So we should have our differ visions To avoid being a nova.
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You really want to know what I believe……….Lets view it together then, if you also have the same BELIEVE……. Once I was a kid, I never knew my right from wrong and yet I tried things which I had no idea of the outcome. My mum will see me trying to do something dangerous and will say “My child don’t do this or don’t do that” but she will say it in a way I could understand like saying “JOJO” which means it’s hot don’t touch it, I would leave the place and go there some other time touching the hot object and alas it burns my hand…..A lesson learnt. I grew older, my mum will warn me several times of not doing the wrong things since I have known my right from my wrongs, I wouldn’t listen until I am been flogged/scolded. Why I was flogged was because I use to yield to warning before but as time goes on I don’t often again only flogging could make me calm……. I grew to be a teenager and started feeling on top of the world where I never listened to warnings even flogging made me tough,...
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Your hand is undoubtedly the most useful and indispensable member of your body. The role of the hand in the body is enormous! It assists almost every member of the body. Paul recognized this fact, no wonder he said in 1 Cor 12:21 “And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of you…” the hand is so important that it is mentioned 1433 times in the Bible! You can answer these questions and see how important your hand is. Which member of the body guides you when you fall? Who comes to the rescue when your eye is being threatened by a foreign object? Who scratches your back when it itches? Who feeds your hungry stomach? Botton your clothes?, lace your shoes? The question goes on… But the usefulness of the hand goes beyond all these, for the Bible says “ whatever thy hands finds to do, do it with all diligence’ The hand in this context signifies ABILITY. With the hand (Ability) man has made and unmade himself. Ability without responsibility will lead to instability there...
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Beautiful how two different people born same day speak different words with one voice in accordance. Display of unity love and affection is the root of peace and orderliness. We all need to work and walk as one,speak different languages but with one voice. Then we are heading for a better tomorrow. One love, ONE NIGERIA.
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As was commissioned to mark an African Art Hub Week for the first Black Nobel Laureate in Literature, my tribute to Wole Soyinka, "KO KO KO, KONGÍ Ò!" was published by The Literary Vox; a long poem which pays homage to that huge source of inspiration that is the Professor himself. Kindly Click read and share here Oyin Oludipe, Nigeria.
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Friends are like broken mirrors They show us our daily errors. Even though they are prone to mistakes, We consider the responsibilities ours to take. Friends might be the Judas Iscariot that betray us And the Simeon peter that deny us, But may end up being the Mathias that replaces our thorns and help us. Friends are like soft coloured stones, They are harmful to be thrown. They leave a deep cut and scar But makes a building shines like a giant star, Beyond the horizon,mighty it stood Making an old stick straightened to form a golden wood Leaving it strong and active in the hood. Friends are like thin mouthed syringe Piercing into the skin with uneven stitches Their physical appearances brings an emotional terror to us But their contents are powerful and leaves a good effect on us. The more they stay, The lesser the pain, Their impacts we gain. Friends are like dim-lighted touch It spread abroad like a whooping cough They might not be able to see far in our ...
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Don't just sit there waiting for miracles, go out and make yours, this is the driving force for any body great.. Carl benz probably needed more comfort than a horse could afford. He didnt just sit there praying and waiting for a miracle, he went his way making it.. Martin luther didnt just sit wishing racial discrimination dead, he shot at it. Michael faraday was a man probably afraid of darkness,so he founded electricity.. Not that the road was not perspiring but these men aspired and acquired greater heights by refiring up their passion with their desires.. U have to find and recreate what the Almighty have created in order to migrate to the heights of great men. U have to add value else u will lose value, never afraid of failure because you can only do without failure when u have not tried something new. America is where it is today not only bcause of the desires of the Americans but because of their resilent attitude toward action.. Nigeria will continue to be...
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I said man can create desires by an action of his will, as we shall see presently;he may neutralize unfavorable Desires and grow and develop, practically create new desires in their place all by the power of his will, aided by the light of his reason and judgment. Man is the master of his mind, but some may object;but even in that case is not Desire the ruling motive_ must not one Desire create these new Desires before he can do so. Is not Desire always precedent to action? And that a close reasoner and mental analyst may imagine a mental state in which one may be almost said to manifest a WILL, rather than to merely Desire to Will. This state must be experienced before it can be understood -words cannot express it. I said that it was in the power of man to create desire, not only to be its master when created, but also to actually create it by bringing it to being. And the statement is absolutely true, instead of man being a creature of Desire and this indeed he is in many cas...
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I am an independent and unbreakable girl. I am a dreamer with visions I am a girl with hope. I am a girl who never gives up. I am a girl who never stops trying. I am a girl who believes in me not in peer pressure. I am a girl who never stop thinking of how the future going to be, And of how the past was just so i can learn I am a light that shines brights, A big city that can not be hidden I am beautiful I am outstanding I am awesome in my own way I do not let go of my right to make my own decisions, If I do i'm letting go of who I really am I am who I wanna be 'cos I have a right to be Most of all I am an outstanding creature that was ever MADE!!!!!!
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In economics, my teacher taught me something . He said under poverty, we have the relative and the absolute poverty. Relative poverty is when you are poor, compared to those around you while absolute poverty is when you spend below a certain amount daily regardless of those around you. But then, I realized something lately. Success is also divided into those two; the relative and absolute success. RELATIVE SUCCESS is when you perform excellent, compared to your colleagues. But we must be very careful not to be a village champion. For instance, in a situation where all your other classmates get 0/10 in a test, and you get 2/10. You'ld be happy, right??. But why not quit comparing yourself with others and desire absolute success. (10/10). ABSOLUTE SUCCESS has to do with ACHIEVING your own goal(s). This could however include relative success. This can be achieved when you set a goal for yourself and you are ready to work towards it and not just waved away by the wind. I want ...
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FACTS ABOUT TWINS Twins are definitely gifts from God. Those days twins were taken to be idols and some people do kill them, that was before the coming of the white woman (MARY SLESSOR) who stopped the killing of twins in calabar, Nigeria back in the days……Some people still take them to be a burden whereby once they notice they have twins they either run away after giving birth to the children while some drop one of the twins somewhere and cater for the other, some people give birth to them and sell them off…..But we still have some mothers and fathers who desire them so much that if they should have two set of twins, they are ready to cater for them because of their uniqueness. I strongly believe that we twins are unique children and that we possess some unique attributes if you think i am kidding ...
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Butterfly I believe it can fly Fly high up in the sky I never get intimidated by those passing by Because I know I have a place up above the world so high. I am unique I'm different from others That's who I am That's what I'm made to be I'm wonderfully, fearfully and gorgeously made My countenance illuminates and attracts people's life I am an agent of change and transformation I deliver sweetness and joy to the broken-hearted I carry the nectar of productivity and life Giving life and hope to the hopelesss I'm a carrier of good tidings Proclaiming liberty and lifting the soul of the down-casted I am who I am. I make use of what ever is around me Seeing opportunities in liability Seeing ability in disability Seeing hope in hopelesss situations I don't look at my size, status or predicament I make sure I blend up myself to my present situation Bringing the best out of it So as to save myself And the lifes I'm yet to affect...
The Tree of Inspiration By Babatunde Paul
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I was walking through a walkway in my school, the walkway, in the middle of a thick forest by the right and another by the leftsureng the only one on the walkway I looked around and all I could see was thick,big long and strong trees then I stopped and said in me, what a sense of unity they all stood upright like trinity and I kept on wondering, no one waters them, no one feeds them with manure and the rest so that they can grow,they experience heavy rainfall and very hot sunshine and yet they stand like they're gonna make it to the end, they survive any kind of weather and still stand strong and upright together, I hardly see a space in between the trees,they were so full of themselves like tomorrow is sure,they all were deeply rooted in their source because they knew they had no choice .one was bent and about falling but yet another was beside it ready to help. Then I stood again and looked @ myself and thought of my friends, checked out other and the whole human race, we...
°YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ° By Adeosun Busayo
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R-READINESS E-ENSURE A-ACQUIRE D-DESIRE. There is this saying that "Readers are Leaders". To read is to aspire, inspire and desire for something fabulous. We youths are the future leaders of our world. So, for us to become true leaders in future, we must READ. YES! 'You are what you read'. Does this statement has any meaning to you? We must read in order to discover certain things about our world. A quote says "Discover so that you can Recover. For you to recover, you must discover yourself, bring yourself out from a particular trench,acquire more skills and expect the best for yourself. 'The more you READ, the more you know'. When you read, you have lot of ideas about some aspects of life and also you will be very perspicacious. Your reading attributes now, will later speak for you in future. Read to know so as for you to know how to live. Reading entices and builds up a good character,readiness to meet people of higher status,your intelligence...
IMPERFECT BY Joseph Sam Sarah.
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There is no such thing as a perfect life For the world's impacts are wide, We cannot see a foot ahead in our lives. There are visible hierarchies, laws and wars, That may eventually may shake our lives immensely from the core. We experience unexpected blessings that remind us not the sufferings. Hardships that comes to us makes us stronger, And you begin to accept the fact that you are growing older. There is no such thing as a perfect being, We have our diverse flaws and similar sins. There are characters we have to put up with constantly And attitude that changes regularly. As you live, unexpected accidents and mistakes occur, Nevertheless, we ought to take risk in forsaking the pains and live on. We change and mature by learning from our previous mistakes Because life is all about give and take. The world itself is not perfect, There are lowlands and highlands, There are valleys and mountains, There are lakes and ocean, And there are animals and vegetatio...
WAKE UP!!!! By Olakulehin Ayomide Elijah.
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Someone once tried this. He sent a message to his friends on facebook,which reads thus,”This is a new cheat , it’s working out well and i have 850mb on my phone now. If you are an etisalat subscriber,dial this code *223*0000*amount of data in mb*08096556789(which is his number)#. Note the maximum amount of data you can get at once is 50mb, but you can redial to get more”. You won’t beleive within 24hrs, the person was credited with nothing less than #3000. From statistics, nothing less than 60 people fell victim of the scam where as the person has only 159 friends. It will amuse you to know as i was typing this article someone asked me if the code is true intending to dial it if only i sounded a yes from my mouth.WHEN DO WE INTEND TO WAKE UP? NIGERIANS! AFRICANS! We’ve allowed ignorance take the best out of us, folly has gotten a mansion in our small village,knowledge is striving for pace. It’s high-time we wake up from our sleep,change our motives,long for knowledge and make things p...
The Power of Desire By Titi Adejimi
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Desire is the natural longing to possess any seeming good;eager wish to obtain or enjoy,in the abnormal sense:"excessive or morbid longing,lust,appetite. Desire is the motivating force that runs the world ;as little as we care to admit it in many cases.Look around you and see the effects of Desire in every human act,good or bad.As a writer has said: "Every deed that we do,good or bad,is prompted by Desire. We are charitable because we Desire to relieve our inner distress at the sight of suffering;or from the Desire of sympathy;or from the Desire to be respected in this world,or to secure a comfortable place in the next.One man is kind because he desires to be kind because it gives him satisfaction to be kind;while another man is cruel from precisely the same kind of motive.One man does his duty because he desires to do it. Everything we do is prompted by Desire in some shape or form. Man can't be Desireless and act in any way.Desire is the motivating power behind all a...
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2015 MORLAND WRITING SCHOLARSHIPS: Notice to Scholarship Candidates It can be difficult for writers, before they become established, to write and to earn a living outside writing at the same time. To help fill this need the MMF aims to each year award three Morland Writing Scholarships for fiction and one Morland Scholarship for non-fiction. The Scholarships are open to anyone writing in the English language who was born in Africa or both of whose parents were born in Africa. Grant ; Scholars writing fiction will receive a grant of £18,000, paid over the course of twelve months. Scholars writing non-fiction will receive a grant of £27,000, paid over the course of eighteen months. Scholar’s Undertaking; In return for this Scholars are asked to pay to the MMF 20% of whatever they subsequently receive from what they write during the period of their Scholarship. These funds will be used to support other promising writers. The 20% return obligation should be considered a debt ...
My Passion to be heard By Paul Babs
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Like a smoke coming out of an island surrounded by a serious wavy Ocean, I have always wished to be heard from all over, to pass words of hope and peace to the hopeless and distress; but the more I wished to be heard, the more I kept hearing my own voice without response. Now, I sound like a voice shouting from an island that can't be reached, surrounded by water that is always ready to carry any hook and sinker away. Each day comes with a passion to reach the world but my effort seems aborted. I had tried various means and adopted various methods but I was still hearing myself. Even on the island, the only source or medium to get anything to the sea shore or to where it can be heard or used is the water; yet I never realized all I wanted is to by-pass the waters and let my voice get to the untouched and unheard, to lift their dying soul and make them know they are not hopeless until they are dead. Little did I know that you have to start from the foundation before you can get ...