In economics, my teacher taught me something . He said under poverty, we have the relative and the absolute poverty.
Relative poverty is when you are poor, compared to those around you while absolute poverty is when you spend below a certain amount daily regardless of those around you.
But then, I realized something lately. Success is also divided into those two; the relative and absolute success.
RELATIVE SUCCESS is when you perform excellent, compared to your colleagues. But we must be very careful not to be a village champion. For instance, in a situation where all your other classmates get 0/10 in a test, and you get 2/10. You'ld be happy, right??.
But why not quit comparing yourself with others and desire absolute success. (10/10).
ABSOLUTE SUCCESS has to do with ACHIEVING your own goal(s). This could however include relative success.
This can be achieved when you set a goal for yourself and you are ready to work towards it and not just waved away by the wind. I want you to realise that you are not like others, you are your distinct self.
Imagine this: you set a goal of a GP of nothing less than 4.7 for yourself. My dear, if you eventually have a  4.69. Of course, that's a first class but deep within. .....
You might feel bad because you already had a goal . It's all good, 'cos you will accept your challenge for the future
N:B; Always have a GOAL, work towards it and then will you have ABSOLUTE SUCCESS..and that's what I wish us all.


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