Your hand is undoubtedly the most useful and indispensable member of your body. The role of the hand in the body is enormous! It assists almost every member of the body. Paul recognized this fact, no wonder he said in 1 Cor 12:21 “And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of you…” the hand is so important that it is mentioned 1433 times in the Bible!

You can answer these questions and see how important your hand is. Which member of the body guides you when you fall? Who comes to the rescue when your eye is being threatened by a foreign object? Who scratches your back when it itches? Who feeds your hungry stomach? Botton your clothes?, lace your shoes?  The question goes on… But the usefulness of the hand goes beyond all these, for the Bible says “ whatever thy hands finds to do, do it with all diligence’

The hand in this context signifies ABILITY. With the hand (Ability) man has made and unmade himself. Ability without responsibility will lead to instability thereby making one a liability to the society. Let me prove this to you, citing one personality in the Bible. Let’s examine the life of Samson.

Samson was ordained from the womb to deliver the children of Israel from the hand of their oppressors; the Philistines (Judges 13:5) he was endowed with physical ability, he was the strongest man alive! He tore a lion with his bare hands, (Judges 14:5-6) yet it was recorded concerning Samson in Judges 15:11 that three thousand men from Judah came to bind Samson and to deliver him to the Philistines because he was a ‘Liability’

What a sharp contrast. Samson who was supposed to be the savior of the people was bonded by the same people to the enemy because he made the wrong use of his ability. He misused God grace therefore he became a disgrace! It made me realize that a grace misused is disgrace in disguise. Despite Samson’s ability, he was the only judge that never really delivered Israel ( Judges 16:30) it was recorded that the enemies he killed in his death was more than those he killed when he was alive, thus he only killed, he didn’t deliver God’s people!

In Exodus 4:2, God asked Moses the same question He is asking you today “What is that in your hand?” God has placed something in your hands, be not ignorant of it. Moses never knew that the same rod he used in controlling herds will later path the Red Sea, and bring forth water from a rock. When you are diligent with what has been given unto you, you will dine with kings (Pro22:29) because your gifts (talents and ability) will make room for you and bring great men to you (Pro. 18:16)

David was a gifted Shepherd boy who needed no sword or the king’s armor to abruptly put an end to the life and reign of the self acclaimed ‘Tormentor of Israel’-Goliath.  All he needed was God in the battle front, a stone and his sling! All you need is the grace of God to make judicious use of whatever he has placed in your hands.  Probably David was not the only Sheppard boy in the land of Israel who possessed a sling, but he had God’s backing-that was all he needed. That’s all you need.

Whatever God has placed in your hands make the best of it. One writer wrote “if God has given you the pen, your audience may never hear you through a loud speaker” ( Akinjokun A.R )
As much as I love Lawn Tennis, a racket in my hands is as useless as vegetable is to a hungry lion! But imagine that same racket in the hands of Novak Jokovic, Rafel Nadal, Roger Federer,Serena Williams etc… It has fetched them major grand slam titles. A paint brush will be of no use to me, but imagine that paint brush in the hands of Pablo Piccaso!

When you have mastered your sling (your talent and ability) hitting Goliath (Your target) will not be a problem to you as long as you have God’s backing, because when God is backing, nothing is lacking. Bishop David Oyedepo once said “Give God His right of place and you will never be misplaced” once again God is asking you the question “ WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR HAND?”

Stay Lifted!!!
                                                                                                                Simpson Toks


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