This is a big writer With inspiration and class :

What does Sold Out mean: It means having all available tickets or accommodations sold completely and especially in advance; also :  of or relating to a sold-out event.

Considering the above definition, as relating to what I’m about to talk about. To be sold out means to go all out for a course. It means to be completely consumed by a thought, an idea, or a philosophy. Thus working tirelessly for the sake of that particular thing. 


Sold Out and Moral Ethics
You can be sold out to anything (good or bad). Just like in Economics where you don’t look at the moral ethics of a product as long as it gives satisfaction, it is possible for one to be sold out for a good course, it is also possible to be sold out to a bad course. Take for example the BOKO HARAM terrorist movement in the Northern part of Nigeria, ISIS and ISIL in Asia and North Africa respectively. They are completely sold out to a very wrong and inhuman course. They kill, they kidnapped, they rape, and they destroy in the name of ‘Allah”

Another recent and graphical example of being sold out to a wrong course is the ongoing xenophobic attack in South Africa, where indigenes kill, loot, and destroy the lives and properties of non-indigenes because they feel they (the non-indigenes) are depriving them of a better life.

The above are typical and vivid examples of a people who are sold out completely for a course. But be that as it may, that is not to say that we should be sold out for the wrong course. We also have great people who are sold out. We have the likes of Florence Nightingale, Abraham Lincoln, Malcom X, Nelson Mandela, Obafemi Awolowo and Jesus Christ. Who during their time on earth were sold out for humanity. And their impact is still being felt today.   To be sold out is good, but it is better and best to be sold out for a reasonable course.

Rewards of being sold out
there are so many rewards one can derive from being sold out to a particular thing. The rewards can be pleasing and long lasting; the rewards can also be detrimental and short-lived. It depends on which side of the divide you belong to. Osama Bin Laden was sold out to Islamic Fundamentalism and he got death. Nobody celebrates General Sani Abacha today in Nigeria but in some south western states, they have public holidays on June 12 to celebrate Chief Moshood Abiola.     

One beautiful thing about being sold out is that your name will forever be remembered, it depends on you to decide whether you want to be remembered for good or bad. You may die but somehow you still live. So in rounding up, I wrote this short poem, its titled I DIED, I hope you get the message.



I Died

I died
My blood stained
The pages of eternity
In my grave my dreams
Gave birth to a thousand realities
I was speechless
My voice found nest in the society
I was immobile
My body roamed the streets of humanity
I died!
Yes I died
I died living!!! 
Stay Lifted
Simpson Toks
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