The Tree of Inspiration By Babatunde Paul

I was walking through a walkway in my school, the walkway, in the middle of a thick forest by the right and another by the leftsureng the only one on the walkway I looked around and all I could see was thick,big long and strong trees then I stopped and said in me, what a sense of unity they all stood upright like  trinity and I kept on wondering, no one waters them, no one feeds them with manure and the rest so that they can grow,they experience heavy rainfall and very hot sunshine and yet they stand like they're gonna make it to the end, they survive any kind of weather and still stand strong and upright together, I hardly see a space in between the trees,they were so full of themselves like tomorrow is sure,they all were deeply rooted in their source because they knew they had no choice .one was bent and about falling but yet another was  beside it ready to help. Then I stood again and looked @ myself and thought of my friends, checked out other and the whole human race, we have the right to make choices, we have the ability to move to places and avoid situations, most of us have something or someone sponsoring of feeding us but yet we are still not satisfied we complain as tho we could be better if we have them all,we never see what we have, We only recognise what we don't have,we ain't sure of ourselves which makes us doubt tomorrow.
We never recognise the fact that we lack nothing as far as we have God, We only recognize the fact that we have nothing and God is still there.
If only we can live our life's like the trees that i saw that were very sure that there tomorrow would be better than today,if only we can be rooted in our source which is our God and know we have no other choice than him, if only we can we there to help when someone is about falling,if only we can solve other peoples problems when they run to us like we run under those trees for shelter when the rain drops or the sun bites,if only we can live as one and create  no space for rought and division, if only we can look unto what we have and know that through it we can get what we need,if only we can keep standing no matter the challenges and the wind,if only we can believe in ourselves that no matter what we will make it to the end then our race and generation will live as tho we were destined to rule and dominate in peace and unity You  can only bully an "Iroko Tree"when you have what something that is stronger than it. If only we can be strongly rooted in our believe like the Iroko Then nothing on earth would be able to shake or move us only if we allow.
Once again stick to what you  believe, it's the source of what you'll recieve … SELAH ………………


Toluwalope Ajao said…
Great piece bro... Thumbs up!
Adebuss said…
It's a good write-up.. Kip it up.!

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